Friday 5 July 2013

Neottia nidus-avis, Dolomites, Italy

Listera ovata, Dolomites, Italy

Corallorhiza trifida, Dolomites, Italy

Coeloglossum viride, Dolomites, Italy

Nigritella austriaca, Dolomites, Italy

Orchis ustulata, Dolomites, Italy

Traunsteinera globosa, Dolomites, Italy

Orchis ovalis, Dolomites, Italy

Orchis militaris, Dolomites, Italy

Gymnadenia conopsea, Dolomites, Italy

Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Dolomites, Italy

Ophrys insectifera, Dolomites, Italy

Friday 28 June 2013

Flowers of the Dolomites, Geranium sylvaticum

Flowers of the Dolomites, Linaria alpina

Flowers of the Dolomites, Rhododendron ferrugineum

Flowers of the Dolomites, Polygala chamaebuxus

Flowers of the Dolomites, Pulsatilla vernalis

Flowers of the Dolomites, Primula farinosa

Flowers of the Dolomites, Geum rivale

Flowers of the Dolomites, Onobrychis montanus

Flowers of the Dolomites, Viola biflora

Flowers of the Dolomites, Soldanella alpina

Flowers of the Dolomites, Salvia pratensis

Flowers of the Dolomites, Gentiana acaulis

Flowers of the Domites, Crocus vernus

This week the blog goes on holiday in the Val di Fassa, in the Italian Dolomites. With the flower season, even at high altitudes in Cyprus almost over, ones thoughts turn to even higher mountains at a more northerly altitude, where spring has only now begun. The Dolomites are an incredible place, not only because of the dramatic landscape with towering peaks of dolomitic limestone, beautiful high altitude plants but also the most amazing wild flower meadows to be seen anywhere in the world in the most vibrant colours of pink, blue, yellow and white. Add to this the interesting woodland flora, a variety of orchids and many butterflies and the Dolomites are a place to visit at least once in a lifetime. They are rightly on the World Heritage List.